What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic Violence is a pattern of abusive and coercive behaviors in which an individual tries to control the thoughts, beliefs, or actions of an intimate partner (or person with whom they have a significant relationship). It can include, but is not limited to, any or all of the following forms of abuse: physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, emotional and financial.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health defines domestic violence as:
“Behavior which physically harms, arouses fear, or prevents a victim from doing what he/she wishes. It is the intent of the abusive behavior to undermine the will of the victim and to substitute the will of the perpetrator for the will of the victim. Perpetrators batter victims to achieve and maintain power over their victims.”

Why get help?
Abuse can occur in any familial or other intimate relationship. It happens among people of all gender identities, sexual preferences, races, ethnicities and economic levels. It can happen to anyone.

You are not alone.
Call our 24-hour hotline, 7 days a week for help: